
Giving your home that classic Europe whitewash finish is easy as ever with the help of Alliance Painting. Our professional painters provide advanced limewashing services to the Dallas-Fort Worth area that are quick and easy.

Limewashing is a home exterior trend that may never die. As a classic brick building look and finish, paint companies such as Romabio have created high-quality slaked-lime paint to provide a simple way to transform any brick home. These products provide brick exteriors with a layer of protection as well as many other benefits. Contact our team at Alliance Painting today to receive a free estimate or to schedule a service!

Image of the front of a brick home that has been limewashed

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Limewashing - How It Works

The process of limewashing that we use here at Alliance Painting is extremely easy and provides you with numerous different looks when it comes to the final product. Contact our experienced team today with any question you may have!

With the use of a concentrated limewash paint, first we dilute it down to the appropriate consistency. Once that is mixed properly, we apply it onto the brick exterior. Allowing it a bit of time to start drying, we then use a hose to wash off some of the paint to create the whitewash effect. Watch our video, Limewashing A Brick Home, to learn more about our limewashing process and techniques.

The Products We Use

Here at Alliance Painting in Colleyville, we use high-quality products from one of the leading paint companies in the industry. Classico Limewash from Romabio® is long-lasting and easy to apply. The different limewash color options provide you the ability to match the existing features of your home to boost your curb appeal to another level and complete the look of your brick home. Continue reading to learn more about the different color options available and the features and benefits of this exceptional limewash. Contact Alliance Painting today for a free estimate!


Bianco White


Nube Gray


Tropea Beige


Riposo Beige


Toscana Beige


Avorio White


Cristallo White


Classico Limewash Color Options

While limewash isn’t common in a wide variety of colors, Romabio® offers a variety of different neutral colors that offer cool, warm, and mixed tones. This range of tones is important to ensure the limewash compliments the trim, roof, and other exterior features of your home. Another thing to keep in mind is the shade of brick beneath the limewash that will begin showing through. If you have questions about choosing the right color of limewash paint for your home, contact our team at Alliance Painting today!

The 4 Main Benefits of Limewashing - Protective, Resistant, Unique, Removable

Easy To Apply

As mentioned above, the advanced limewash methods available today provide us with the ability to easily create a whitewash finish that used to take decades to achieve. Additionally, the Classico Limewash requires just a single coat of paint.


Classico Limewash, unlike other paints, is created from natural minerals that provides an eco-friendly brick finishing option. This non-toxic limewash offers a number of different benefits to its users, while also helping to save our planet.


Along with being created from natural minerals, limewash allows the underlying brick to breathe. This is extremely important for brick walls specifically as they give off moisture that needs to be able to get out, while not allowing moisture in.


While standard building paint begins to flake and peel over time, limewash calcifies on the brick and becomes extremely hard, avoiding this annoying wear. In fact, limewash starts to patina over time, offering a unique beauty to the brick.

Protective Layer

The high acidity of limewash creates a natural resistance to fungal growth as well as the damage that may accompany it. Additionally, the hard slaked-lime layer creates a barrier from damaging weather elements that often harm brick homes.


With the fact that limewash is long-lasting and age actually increases its appeal, this brick finish is extremely low maintenance. Weather resistance also assists in a limewash finish’s low maintenance as it rarely needs to be cleaned or repaired.

Easily Repaired

While wear on the limewash finish can simply add to its beauty, it is also easily repaired if you want to maintain that freshly painted look rather than a more vintage one. The flat finish of the limewash makes it easy to recoat or touch-up.


Lastly, the Classico Limewash finish is removable for up to five days after it has been applied. If you decide that you don’t like it, want to try an alternative color, or want to try out different wash-off techniques, you can do so with ease



Does limewashing damage brick?

At Alliance Painting, we use an all-natural limewash from Romabio® that contains minerals that help protect the brick, rather than harm it. This limewash allows the brick to release moisture naturally, while protecting it from harmful elements.

Is limewashing expensive?

Limewash itself is actually quite affordable! When wanting a whitewash finish, you will reveal the color style of the brick that lies underneath the limewash. This means that you will want a high-quality and attractive brick, which may cost you a bit more in the long run if the brick is not already existent. The other cost to factor in is that the whitewash technique takes extensive experience and knowledge to do properly, meaning you will want to hire a professional. Here at Alliance Painting, we help you prepare with free estimates as well as financing options!

Choosing Alliance Painting

When it comes to limewash finishing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Alliance Painting is the top rated business for the job. With our team’s extensive experience, we are able to create the perfect, unique finish that you are looking for. When you choose Alliance Painting you can look forward to the following:

  • Free Estimate
  • Collaboration With Our Experts
  • Advanced Project Tracking
  • 5-Year Workmanship Warranty
  • Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are looking for more information about limewashing or would like to schedule your limewash finishing service, contact our professional painters at Alliance Painting today!

Image of the side of a brick house that has been limewashed

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